The pool will be opening on May 28, 2022.
For gate and bathroom codes, see the FAQ page.
Pool Rules
The following rules and policies are intended to provide a guideline for homeowners and their guests and may not be altered without the approval of the Board of Directors.
The pool is open from 9:00a.m. until 10:00p.m. lf the lifeguard is not on duty, you swim at your own risk. Solo swimming is not recommended.
- Lifeguards on duty have complete authority at the pool, including enforcement of rules and suspension of pool privileges.
- During the hours a lifeguard is on duty, they will reserve 15 minutes per hour for adult-only swimming.
- During lifeguard hours, children under 10 years old are not allowed in the pool without adult supervision.
- During non-lifeguard hours, children under 14 years of age are not allowed in the pool without adult supervision.
- No running, pushing or rough-housing in the pool area.
- No glass containers in the pool area.
- No smoking permitted in the pool area.
- No pets allowed in pool area.
- Only flotation devices approved by the lifeguard will be allowed in the pool. The lifeguard reserves the right to call for the devices to be removed from the pool at any time.
- Appropriate swim attire required. Non-toilet trained children must wear tight rubber pants or swim diapers while in the pool.
- It is recommended to shower before entering pool.
- Persons with communicable diseases or skin, eye, ear or nasal
- infections should not enter the pool.
- A Glenbrooke resident must accompany all guests.
Residents are responsible for the behavior of their children and guests at all times. Parents of any youth causing vandalism and/or damage to Glenbrooke property are 100% liable for replacement of said property.
For additional HOA Member questions, please visit our Member FAQ's. Members may reserve the Pavilion by visiting the Reserve a Court or Pavilion page.